

Spirit #5



Purifica, Spirit of Compassion, Heal with love, in a world of passion.

The Spirit of Purifica, embodying love, compassion, and gentleness, is dedicated to cleansing spaces of negativity. Purifica approaches its task with a tender touch, radiating a soothing energy that dissolves discordant vibrations and promotes harmony. The spirit's name, "Purifica," is derived from the Latin word for "purify," reflecting its purpose to cleanse and uplift.

Purifica appears as a gentle figure, draped in flowing robes that shimmer like the purest waters. The essence of calmness and love emanates from its form, inviting those in need to experience a sense of tranquility and emotional purification.

Its eyes, pools of compassion, reflect an understanding of the struggles within each individual. With outstretched arms, Purifica channels a healing energy that gently washes away negativity, leaving behind a refreshed and revitalized atmosphere.


"Purifica, spirit of love and light,
In your presence, negativity takes flight.
Draped in robes of purest stream,
Guide us through the cleansing dream.

With compassionate eyes, you see,
The burdens that weigh heavy on me.
Outstretch your arms, gentle and kind,
A purifying touch to ease the mind.

In spaces tainted by negativity's stain,
Purifica, bring the healing rain.
Wash away discord with waters pure,
Create a haven, serene and secure.

Your name, a beacon of purification,
In your love, find the sweet salvation.
Gentle spirit, with a heart so vast,
Cleanse this space, make it everlast.

May your love and compassion flow,
In this space, negativity shall go.
Purifica, in your gentle embrace,
Bring harmony, love, and boundless grace.

So mote it be."

Invoke Purifica with sincerity and openness, and allow its gentle presence to cleanse and rejuvenate the energies in your space.

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