

Spirit #18



Fortior, Spirit of Strength, Empower us to go to any length.

Fortior is a magnificent embodiment of strength, a celestial being whose presence resonates with the very core of resilience. Its form is a harmonious blend of ethereal radiance and earthly solidity, reflecting the balance between the spiritual and the grounded.

The spirit stands tall, adorned with armor that glistens like polished steel, symbolizing the protective shield it offers to those in need. Its eyes, deep pools of wisdom, hold the secrets of countless triumphs over adversity, and they sparkle with a comforting glow that reassures all who seek its guidance.

Fortior's wings, expansive and majestic, are not only a symbol of flight but also represent the freedom that comes from embracing one's inner strength. These wings can unfold to shield, to shelter, and to empower, creating a sense of security in the face of life's storms. Feathers, each imbued with the essence of fortitude, flutter gracefully, carrying whispers of encouragement to those who listen.

The spirit's aura is a radiant energy, pulsating with a warm and golden hue. It weaves through the air like a gentle breeze, leaving a trail of revitalizing energy in its wake. Fortior moves with a fluid grace, adapting to the ever-changing landscapes of existence, demonstrating that true strength lies in flexibility and resilience.

When Fortior speaks, its voice is a harmonious blend of wind and earth, resonating with a deep, comforting timbre that echoes through the soul. The spirit's touch is a soothing caress, infusing those it blesses with an inner fortitude that strengthens resolve and nurtures courage.

In the presence of Fortior, one feels an unspoken connection to the collective strength of humanity. It is a reminder that strength is not just an individual attribute but a shared force that binds us together, encouraging us to face challenges with unity and determination.


Oh Fortior, Spirit of Strength,
Bearer of the indomitable flame,
In moments of trial, we seek your embrace,
Guide us with your unwavering grace.

From the mountains' resilience, forge our will,
Like rivers, let our strength be unyielding still.
Grant us courage in the face of strife,
Endow us with the fortitude to navigate life.

With wings that soar on winds of resilience,
Teach us the art of unwavering persistence.
In your presence, may our spirits rise,
Stronger, braver, reaching for the skies.

Fortior, guardian of inner might,
Illuminate our path with your radiant light.
In the tapestry of life, weave strength's thread,
For in your embrace, we find courage to tread.

So, we pray to you, spirit divine,
In our hearts, let your strength enshrine.
Fortior, empower us through and through,
As we face life's challenges, we turn to you.

So mote it be.

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