Litany of the Spirit Couplets

Aeliana, Spirit of Protection, Wrap us in your shield, guard our direction.

In Alaisiya's dance, threads of hues entwine, unity blooms, a celestial design.

Amanthia, Spirit of Benevolence, Guide us with kindness, a luminous presence.

In Anagnorisis' glow, knowledge takes flight, a cosmic symphony, unveiling truth's light.

Clementia, Spirit of Mercy, In your grace, compassion we see.

Elysian Serenith, Spirit of Immortality, In eternal realms, grant us vitality.

Elysya, Spirit of Harmony, In life's symphony, let us find unity.

Fortior, Spirit of Strength, Empower us to go to any length.

Fortunus, Spirit of Luck, Bless our journey, serendipity struck.

Inspira, Spirit of Creativity, Unleash imagination's vastivity.

Intuitia, Spirit of Understanding, Illuminate our minds, wisdom expanding.

Luminara, Spirit of Love, In your radiance, our hearts rise above.

Lysandra, Spirit of Sexuality, Celebrate passion's diversity.

In Phosphaera's glow, clarity takes flight, a dance of light, dispelling shadows with might.

Prosperaia, Spirit of Abundance, In life's garden, seeds of plenty enhance.

Pulchraia, Spirit of Beauty, In every form, find grace and duty.

Purifica, Spirit of Compassion, Heal with love, in a world of passion.

Salviantheo, Spirit of Deliverance, Lead us through trials, a path of acceptance.

Seraphina, Spirit of Tranquility, In peaceful moments, find serenity.

Sophrosyne, Spirit of Wisdom, In your embrace, let knowledge blossom.

Terranara, Spirit of Earthly Freedom, Ground us in liberty, life's kingdom.

Valoria, Spirit of Courage, In adversity, strength will encourage.

Verity's whisper, truth's tender grace, in its realm, honesty finds its rightful place.

In Vitalara's glow, life's dance takes flight, a cosmic ballet, woven in pure light.

Vitalis, Spirit of Health, In every breath, vitality's wealth.