Enchanting Invocation of Radiant Harmony

In the sacred dance of realms untold,
Where mystic energies unfold.
Aeliana, Elysya, Fortunus divine,
With your presence, let our spirits entwine.

Intuitia, guide our minds so keen,
Luminara, illuminate the unseen.
Prosperaia, bring forth abundance pure,
Pulchraia, grace that shall endure.

Purifica, cleanse with purifying flame,
Salviantheo, the protector's noble name.
Seraphina, with wings of serenity,
Sophrosyne, bestow tranquil clarity.

Terranara, rooted deep in earth's embrace,
Valoria, bring forth love's gentle grace.
In unity, these spirits we implore,
A harmonious blend forevermore.

By the powers of these celestial names,
In this enchanted space where magic flames.
Let the energies weave, let intentions soar,
As this spell unfolds, forevermore.

May the blessings of Aeliana, Elysya, Fortunus, Intuitia, Luminara, Prosperaia, Pulchraia, Purifica, Salviantheo, Seraphina, Sophrosyne, Terranara, and Valoria be with you on this mystical journey.